Audio guide introduction: 1 minute 25 seconds

Walk back to Chue Luk Street, then turn into King Fook Street, and walk for about 3 minutes to reach the last stop - "Alice Hair Salon".

If you are a Hong Konger born in the 1970s or before, you should be quite familiar with this type of signboard. They are not large in area, only three feet by four feet, and are mostly installed under the canopies of tenement buildings. Since they are not directly exposed to wind and rain, they are generally in good condition and rarely look old.

"Alice's Hair Salon" was produced in 1978 when the artist was in his forties. The text is arranged in a typical reading style. The so-called "reading into the shop" actually means that the text is arranged starting from the direction of the road and extending to the building. Therefore, you will find why some signboards are read from the left and some from the right. This is actually what they mean. Compared to industrial building signs, its color is obviously much more fancy. It is said that the shop owner wanted to attract customers and added personal preference, so he chose a purple background and yellow characters; but there is a rumor that there is a joke that the shop owner originally used purple Among the industries that make signboards, only the "June Rental" clock hotel uses them. No matter what, it’s up to each flower to his own eyes and think it looks good.

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